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What can you do to counter the effects?

In the UK there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel with lockdown restrictions beginning to ease. Whilst it is exciting to get back to our normal lives it is also useful to review what we have learned from this period.

One beneficial effect of the lockdowns that took place all over the world has been their impact on the environment. Reduced carbon emissions as a result of less air travel, road travel and manufacturing outputs have had a positive effect on the ozone layer and pollution levels.

For the first time in 30 years, the people of Northern India can see the Himalayan mountain range from the street due to the reduced air pollution. A decrease in water pollution has allowed dolphins and other marine life to be seen in areas they have not been in for many years and there has been a noticeable difference in the water quality of Venice canals due to less boating activity. In addition, quieter streets have seen wildlife re-emerge in our towns and cities plus noise pollution reduced, altogether creating a more tranquil environment.
However, how will this be affected as countries lift their lockdown restrictions?

Undoubtedly, whilst the world wakes up, there will be an increase in environmental stressors again. Often there is a resurgence after a quiet period as countries try to stimulate their economies and “catch up” on the economic losses incurred during this period. Also, with restrictions lifting there is an increased appetite for new experiences and connections which fuels the fire of activity.

If you are wondering how you might counter this effect then you could consider placing your money into an investment fund that actively supports global sustainability. These funds include companies whose goal is to positively impact social and environmental challenges within their sector.

For example….
It is no longer the case that sustainable, ethical or green based portfolios need to take second place in the returns market if you have a well-balanced and well-managed collection of funds. For the past 3 years, SFIA has provided a sustainable investment option for investing your ISA, pension or general investment fund. With the appetite for this increasing, we are now bringing to the market an expanded collection of sustainable portfolios ranging from medium risk to higher risk. This will create more risk-appropriate options for a wider variety of clients.

Get in touch to ask us about our current ESG portfolios to assess if they might be more in line with your values and beliefs. This is one way you could do your part in shielding the environmental and social impacts of our return to normality post covid.